Monday 21 February 2011

Music and Dinner!

Good morning :)
I thought I'd blog on here this morning cause I am in such a good mood!! Firstly, it's half term!! So I got up t about half nine today...which is a greeat lie in! :) and also, because I have just listened to a recording from band rehearsal yesterday...and you can actually hear me!! I am so damn pleased because if there is one thing you have to know about my music is I am NOT a loud brass player...I cannot do sharp stabs and I cannot play a piece real loud...cause it's just not how I play. My tone is sweet and soft...But everyone's telling me I have to play louder, harder, yesterday I thought, what the hell!? and I just went for it! Everytime I thought...don't play too loudly, I scolded myself! and then just played louder! Everytime I thought I was playing too loudly I didn't get quieter, I kept at the same volume. And I thought 'everyone tells me I am a damn good trumpet player for my show it! and be proud!' So I did.And now I am proud. Cause why should I be scared to play out? No one else is. Why shouldn't I play just as loud as everyone else? I wont progress anywhere if I don't. And now I am glad I did!

So thats why I'm so's a big deal to me! And it's made me pleeased!

Well, I have to go now..because I am cookign dinner tonight! Spaghetti bolognaise...with my own special twist! (..Not quite sure what exactly the twist is yet..) So see you all later!


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