Sunday 20 February 2011

Hey guys! Gooood evening! I hope you're all okay! I am now rewriting this blog entry, because I accidentally exited out of my last one...I know right!! Stupid! So this is my second time writing this...I nearly didn't at first cause I couldn't be bothered...but then I thought HEY! Why not?!

I think I went sleepwalking somewhere last night....not sure where...maybe a club..or maybe the beack and I tried to climb the rocks and fell..Or maybe I just went on a reeeally long walk. Cause I woke up this morning and I could hardly move it hurt so much! I was like 'What on earth is going on!?'.......and then I had band. Which I admit, for once I really wasn't in the mood for. At all. I hardly slept at all last night. Then I woke up feeling awful and after everything that happened this week I really didn't feel like band at all. But I made myself get up and do it. I went to band and I endured it (just)....but now I have a headache. But it's a special type of headache! It's a band headache! This is where I have a normal headache..with ringing in my ears and I can still hear music.

Aand...I bought a new trumet case this week!!! It's not the best...cause they're all soo expensive. But it's nicer than the one I have at the moment! I cannot WAIT for it to arrive! I must be so sad..but I am SO excited :) My beautiful baby deserves more than the case it as at the moment... (It's properly falling to pieces!!...the case..not the trumpet) Hehe!! Hopefully it arrives before band on Sunday!

Also, I am really getting into 'Two door cinema club' ! They are actually awesome! The music is amazing!!

That's all for today... Or I may post a bit of my recent book in a bit..So keep an eye out :P Bye!! xxx

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