Sunday 6 March 2011

P.S. I Love You.

Hello, good readers :)
I hope you're all okay...Got a bit to write about tonight! I mean, I actually have some interesting news! So, this blogs not just going to be....'I had a good day..saw some friends...yeah..night!'
So, anyway! I saw two great friends yesterday! We had a scary movie marathon! It was brilliant! We actually ate soo much!
So, we watched The Human Centipede...which is a pretty messed up movie! Was still pretty good though! Then we watched Saw! Which again, I was dissapointed in..The best bit was when the sawed off his leg! The rest of it was pretty awful! But, it was still a good day!

And then today, I had band (of course) and it was pretty good! We ensembled today! So, the brass and pit and drums all got together and worked to fit the music together! I tell you, it sounded Fantastic! It's was a rather grim end to the day though, as I managed to smack myself in the mouth my trumpet towards the end of the rehearsal, which caused my tooth to smash into my lip and split it..It was fine at first, it just thobbed horribly! But then after I began to play it opened up the cut and then the blood began to flow! I got some tissue on it but it only stopped the bleeding for a that time I thought it would be clever to play the closer along with everyone else as it was the last tune of the day!...It did not help. It reopened the cut. And made it worse at the same time. And so now, about 3 hours after it is still very slowly bleeding! I can't talk very well because it stings so much and it'll cause it to split open and beguin bleeding again. I wont be able to practise trumpet untill it has just about healed. And so, I can truthfully say after writing this and thinking about it...I am quite annoyed! Oh well. It ws my own fault, I suppose.

But anyway! I still have great news! I'm in a relationship! I know right! WHAT a surprise!! :) Haha....I can't blame you for being shocked, I am astounded myself! I got a date with him on Saturday and I am very happy..He is the best thing that has happened to me in a while! But you know it's funny..everyone I have told is so pleased for me...apart from one person. And it's sort of confusing and sad but makes me feel sorta happy at the same time. I told this person and they said the ol' 'good for you, that's great, well done!'..same as everyone else. But whenever I look at them they just look plain sad! And just some of the things they say to just makes me wonder. Are they really happy for me? Or is there something deeper I don't know about? Well, whatever...I am happy and I'm not going to let anybody ruin this for me! It's okay for me to ruin it...but not anyone else!! I love him and not going to let anyone take the love I have for him away from me. They could take him away from me but they can't take my love away.
So, anyway guys that's all for now! Wish me and my lip happy healing! :P
...GeezEye xxxx

P.S. I Love You. x

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