Wednesday 17 August 2011

Feel The Love Xx

Good evening everyone,

I've been thinking tonight, and looking at various people's blogs. It's got me thinking just how different everyone really is. Nowadays everyone, particularly teenagers, are thought of to be all the same. All going by the same fashion, music taste and perhaps personality. But looking at people's blogs made me think that that's not true at all. We are all unique. We all have our different thoughts, worries and ideas and we all have our different ways of putting them across. What interests me most, is how we all have our own unique way of writing. Each and every person's writing sounds different. From the dreadfully spelt writing to the so smart you can't understand it.

One blog entry that did interest me, was one on relationships, and how people think of them, and how free we are in relationships. Like many other blog entries this got me thinking, however unlike others I have read I found myself thinking of  about my life as I read it. It got me thinking about my 'dream relationship'. What would people think of it? But then, I suppose that brings the matter back down to 'what would people think of me?' Which again makes me think why everyone is so worried about what people think of them. We all worry about we say and do in case anyone would happen to think bad of it therefore thinking bad of them.

What this blog also got me thinking about it homosexuality. And why everyone has so many different views on it. What I always think is it's still the same person no matter who they may love, so therefore why should they be treated any worse then the rest of us? Surely they have the right to love and be with whomever they wish.

Just think how different the world would be if everyone thought freely about relationships and if there were no social limits on who you could be with. If everyone was free to date whomever they wished and not feel scared about what other's may think.
I personally, accept any relationships, no matter how strange or normal. So here I say, Love everyone no mater what! Feel the love everyone :)
Love GeorgiaMay Xx

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