Thursday 21 October 2010

A Weekend Of Band Is Just My Cup Of Tea...

Dear Good Reader....
Got back from band camp yeterday at about 9pm... As much as I am glad to be home I can't help missing the nutty and slighty deranged friends from band! Sure, there were a few times where I was a little under the weather but most of the time it was fantastic! I feel like I have grown closer to so many people it's great! My trumpet is now officially called Sammy and I also somehow managed to obtain a pair of gay parents aswell as my biological ones...haha! We went up on Friday evening. and the first excitment of the weekend was that we got lost! Finally arived at about half 12pm!! Saturday was fun and spent a lot of time on part 4 which unfourtunately I kept messing up. I was rather down towards the end of the day and a little upset. Luckily I had my 6th Hove family to cheer me up! Sunday was a much better day! Apart from the fact that I had a splitting headache but we'll skim over that! Lets just just say that thanks to James and Lee...I managed to drink more water then I think I ever have done! The last runthrough of the show on Sunday evening was AMAZING!! it was just faantastic! On Monday we all had to pack after was a sad sensation! After a few hours of practising in the onion field (it smelt of onions)...we set off to a fate which we were booked to play at...and I have to say..our static run through was just..BLOODY AMAZING! there are no words to explain! and also...we got a MEDAL!! along with dogtags! Gold medals as well!! :) the crowd enjoyed our show soo much we had to play the closer again!! It was a great weekend with a few ups and downs but all in all I had a bloody great time!! We got a competition next Sunday in Eastleigh...can't wait! There's gonna be a lot of old friends there I can't wait to see again!!

Well I best be off now! Hope you enjoed that recount thingymajig!...I certainly enjoyed writing it and going over memories again!
P.S.Take a look at the photos I have posted! They are goood!! :) x

-Georgia xxx

C.O.D(ColourOfDay,this colour expresses how I felt about what I have written in my blog) - Orange
Phrase - Cake...Or.... Death?

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