Monday 12 December 2011

Lovely Weather For A Swim?...Maybe Not.

I think I'm losing my mind. I've gone crazy all of a sudden. Like those people who appear in films and you think to yourself, 'thank god I'm not like them', whilst watching them curled up in a ball on the ground in the pouring rain, crying like there's no tomorrow. Well, I didn't do that. But I was close to it. I suppose everything just came crashing down on me and I couldn't handle it. So I ran away. Well, when I say I ran away, I mean, I 'ran' to the beach. Alone. And sat on a rock and before I even knew it, every single worry, whether it was big or small came spilling out in the form of tears.
What happened next was a bit of a blur. Suddenly I was only in my vest and leggings and I was walking into the sea, in the rain and the wind. And for a while I didn't feel the cold. Which is weird. You'd think I would seeing as it's December and I was in the sea. But I didn't..for a while anyway. But all of a sudden it hit me and I couldn't breathe. It was like knives were cutting me all over. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced. But for a moment. Just for a second, the rest of me felt as numb and I had felt inside all along.
I was so unlike me. Which is why I couldn't understand it..usually I wouldn't even have the guts to do that. But right then, I just wanted too.
I'm an idiot.
And now I don't feel very well and I am a douche with no brain. GAH.

Anyway. That's enough moaning.
Hope you've all had a pleasant day.
Lotsa love.
GeorgiaMay x

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