Monday 21 November 2011

10 Things That Make Me Happy...

Feeling down lately, so I am going to name 10 things that make me happy and it'll make everything better and I'll be happy once again....

10 Things that make me happy:

1. Painting

2. Cycling/walking nowehere in particular on my own

3. Snow

4. Photos of good memories

5.A clear starry sky at full moon

6. Being hugged by someone I love and care about

7. laughter

8. Smiles

9. Love

10. Happiness!
Hey! I do feel a tad more happy now, after thinking about things I love....of course there's more then this, but I was limited to only writing 10! Then I found pictures for them all and other pictures and photos made me smile and laugh and now I feel very happy! Hope everone else out there is happy! I gonna share mine! Take the love everyone! Feel it, feel the love! Good night everyone Xx

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