Monday 28 November 2011

If You Walk Away, Everyday It Will Rain <\3

Since listening to Bruno Mars's new song 'It will rain', I seem to have fallen in love with his music even more (if that's even possible).. I find myself being able to relate myself with his songs. And you know, that is why I think music plays such a huge part in people's lives. People couldn't live without it. And it's not because of the singer themselves, or the beat, or even the tune. It's the lyrics. People relate themselves to the lyrics in the song and that is why people love music so much. It's amazing really, how much a song can play such a part in someones life. 

Anyway, there's nothing more for me too say here other than...

'If You Walk Away..Everyday It Will Rain'
I Love You x

Love GeorgiaMay Xx

Monday 21 November 2011

10 Things That Make Me Happy...

Feeling down lately, so I am going to name 10 things that make me happy and it'll make everything better and I'll be happy once again....

10 Things that make me happy:

1. Painting

2. Cycling/walking nowehere in particular on my own

3. Snow

4. Photos of good memories

5.A clear starry sky at full moon

6. Being hugged by someone I love and care about

7. laughter

8. Smiles

9. Love

10. Happiness!
Hey! I do feel a tad more happy now, after thinking about things I love....of course there's more then this, but I was limited to only writing 10! Then I found pictures for them all and other pictures and photos made me smile and laugh and now I feel very happy! Hope everone else out there is happy! I gonna share mine! Take the love everyone! Feel it, feel the love! Good night everyone Xx

Love love love Lichtenstein!

 I have recently decided that I love lichtenstein's work. I really relate to the people in his pictures and I love his style of working!