Monday 13 December 2010

Just a thought of mine....

I am thinking...just thinking. Its quite comforting sometimes. Just to think about life. What's happening in your life? Anything exciting? Boring? Anyone sweet in your life? Do you enjoy life? Do you know who that special someone is? Have you not told them!? Well, I got news for you. Tell them!! Cause they probablly think you're their special someone too, and if you don't do anything they will be left heartbroken thinking you don't like them. They can't wait for you forever. 'But what if I literally CAN'T say anything?' you say? Why can't you say anything? 'Because it's difficult. And a bit funny?.'...Okay, firstly don't worry! Think of the obvious. How do they act around you? Do they act differently to how they do around other people? Do they go pink around you? Do they smile alot around you!? Now, ask other people who they might talk to. What do they say? What do they say about how that person feels about you? So, did you say yes to the first question? Then did people say that the person likes you? Well, then this probably means they DO like you!! And you should definitely say something before its too late! Of course, if you are still too nervous, perhaps you could let them know that you know they like you! In fact, you should DFINITELY do that!! It's not fair to leave them thinking that it's all a secret. It's just nicer. So, get your phone now. GO ON! DO IT!!! Be the bigger human being for once and put this person out of their misery! Have you got your phone? Good. Okay! Now get texting!...................Done? Right! Now send it to that person!..Don't give me a dirty look like that! Now go on! SEND IT!..Have you done it? I hope you have! You have!? Good! Now you are officially a good person!

Of course, after reading this. You may think it's better to tell this person face to face when you see then next. This is also good. It shows you care about how they feel after you tell them. It will make that person feel better about you telling them. But remember, they will be embarresed at first! They may try to lie, but chances are that they are either a bad liar.....or they won't try to lie at all. So perhaps let them know through text, and then chat with them about it face to face. That is the best way.

So, I hope you have found this 'helpful'! I guess the 'moral' to this is....DON'T HIDE YOUR LOVE!! This could break hearts :) Was a bit of a random post..but hey! why not?
So, I will write soon, faithful blog-readers! Night night
-Georgia xxxxxxxxx

Friday 10 December 2010

If I could just sit here and cry, I would.

I am losing my mind. I have a splitting headache, sore throat, blocked nose and to top it all off..all hell has broken loose. Why can't we grow up? Put our differences aside and talk like proper people. Sort it out. Is that too much to ask? Of course it is...and everyones gonna leave and go their own ways and I'm gonna be left on my own thinking 'what do I do now? Where do I go? Who do I go with?!' and that scares me. I'll admit it frightens the hell out of me. Because i know that nothing is going to be the same and I don't know what to do. I wont cry though. Why should I let this get to me so much it reduces me to tears!? That's just not on and I wont let it happen! But everyones changing. and everyones arguing. and it IS getting to me and it DOES hurt. and so i am going to cry. only a bit. but I'll admit, i will.  I guess this is the time where we all ask ourselves..what kinda person am I? Do i act differently to please people? and Who do i want tobe friends with? 

Monday 6 December 2010


oh god...On Thursday I have to perform a song in music with my's okay..I suppose.. I'm not sure. I'm listening to other peoples and they just sound so much better!! Its difficult sometimes. but you gotta pull your socks up and carry on otehrwise you'll sink. and it will get harder and harder to swim back up the surface and then you'll drown. drown in everyone elses success and die in your rubbishness! If you don't work hard people will just trample all over you. Thats why it's difficult. and THATS why I can't give up. Thats why i can't just go 'I can't do this anymore! I'm not good enough'. Deep down, I suppose I know i AM just as good as everyone else. but sometimes It doesn't feel like it...Like in Maths..I try my very hardest in maths. probably more then science..just because I want to do well in it. I don't want to be the only still getting level 5's in maths. But I am. and I always will be. I will always be the girl who gets lower marks then everyone else in maths. I know I shouldn't complain. I know there are people who get worse marks then me, but it's hard! I just want to do SO well. I just want to show that I can be as good as everyone else. Even though I'm probably not. Sorry If i sound like im complaining...I guess it just gets me down sometimes..
see you soon... xx
Georgia x

Saturday 4 December 2010

The WORST LIAR award goes to,,,,,ME!

I am officially THE worst liar EVER!!! if I ever need to depend on my lying skills to save my life...i am truly going to die!Haha! oh dear... :)

Thursday 2 December 2010


I am actually so annoyed right now. In fact I am ANGRY!!! Its lucky no one is standing next to me now else I'll have to hit them! I.Really.HATE.two.faced.BITCHES!! >:(