Tuesday 23 November 2010

Just a load of Blabbling!

Hey! wow, it's been a while since I have written on this thing...not quite sure what to say..OR where to begin! two very different things! hm..well okay. Basiclly (Is that even spelt right!?) Man I have just been looking at my old posts on here...shit!? what the hell was I even thinking when I wrote those things!? sounds like a load of drivel!! haha! I'm looking through my journal but there are only things i there I can't write here! okay, How about this..I'm learning guitar! and last night I wrote my first song! so..uh..I'll post it up here..

I watch you across the room, I stare at you across the street,
It's just the way that you are so sweet,
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.

You smile at me and I catch on fire,
I'm pretty glad that I'm no liar,
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.

I laugh at you when you wink at me
I'm sure I love you more than I love tea,
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.

But inside I know that it's not real
I just don't know how you feel
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.

You kiss me in a dream, that's what I call mean!
You kiss me all in a daze like you've been in a maze
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.

Friends love me, my Family loves me
so why can't you love me?
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.

It's just not meant to be, your near to forty-three,
It's just not right for you to love me,
I just can't see why nobody can see what I see, In you.
So there you have it..my first ever song! Not quite sure why I wrote it, i just kinda made it up as I went along. None of the lyrics really make sense but it's quite cool to sing! Also, I'm pretty excited about the new My Chemical Romance album!! wooop! It has been a prettty amazing day today!..Plain school day. but lots of things are happening that are excitingg and it's making my life so much more exciting! I wonder though, if yuo cute open my chest would there be a whole heart left? would there only be half? or would it have just shrivelled up and died? From last year or so..I must say I am so much happier now! god, I was just depressing last year I'm not even kidding! I look back and sometimes read my old journal and get a bit worried or scared that something might happen that sets it all off again..and just sends me whirling into a state of depression...I'm sure it wont! but theres always the thought. but anyway! thats enough of me blabbling on and on! what sort of word is that!? Blabbling? I like it! I'm gonna use it more often! hahaha! anyway, see you guys soon!...those of you who read this anyway. I'm pretty sure I'm writing this to myself!...or one or two people but thats it! ah well! see ya soon

Love Georgia xxxx

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