Wednesday 28 December 2011

Proof Of Perfection In Man...

I swear, this guy is proof that perfection does exist! I have fallen in love with the 'Criminal Minds' tv series and at the same time fallen in love with Matthew Gray Gubler. Here are some pictures for you all the drool over...(Just so you was incredibly difficult to limit myself down to only a few of his 'best'(they're ALL his best pictures) pictures) So, here you go.....

So there you have it...I just about managed to cut down on the amount of photos I had to post on here! I love his acting and I love his character in Criminal Minds. Hope you all love him as much as I do! :)

Maybe Next Year Will Be Different...

As you can see, the title of my blog has changed and I have added a little description. I suppose as I grow up, I'm changing. In more ways then I'd ever imagine I suppose. I heard the phrase 'Think outside the box' and I guess it stuck in my mind. From now on I am going to do my best to 'think outside the box' as best as I can.

I'm partcularily looking forward to next year, 2012! I know ever year I say, 'Next year is going to get better. It's going to be even better than the year we're leaving behind.' And I guess I'm saying it again his year but so far it hasen't been true. It's like I'm lying to myself. But anyway, maybe next year will be different.

Monday 12 December 2011

Lovely Weather For A Swim?...Maybe Not.

I think I'm losing my mind. I've gone crazy all of a sudden. Like those people who appear in films and you think to yourself, 'thank god I'm not like them', whilst watching them curled up in a ball on the ground in the pouring rain, crying like there's no tomorrow. Well, I didn't do that. But I was close to it. I suppose everything just came crashing down on me and I couldn't handle it. So I ran away. Well, when I say I ran away, I mean, I 'ran' to the beach. Alone. And sat on a rock and before I even knew it, every single worry, whether it was big or small came spilling out in the form of tears.
What happened next was a bit of a blur. Suddenly I was only in my vest and leggings and I was walking into the sea, in the rain and the wind. And for a while I didn't feel the cold. Which is weird. You'd think I would seeing as it's December and I was in the sea. But I didn't..for a while anyway. But all of a sudden it hit me and I couldn't breathe. It was like knives were cutting me all over. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced. But for a moment. Just for a second, the rest of me felt as numb and I had felt inside all along.
I was so unlike me. Which is why I couldn't understand it..usually I wouldn't even have the guts to do that. But right then, I just wanted too.
I'm an idiot.
And now I don't feel very well and I am a douche with no brain. GAH.

Anyway. That's enough moaning.
Hope you've all had a pleasant day.
Lotsa love.
GeorgiaMay x