Saturday 1 January 2011

Christmas, New Year and...2011!!

Happy New Year everyone!! Feels good to finally be in 2011! Now just forget all about 2010....forget about all the down points! But also, we should remember the good points! If 2010 was abad year for you..then just try and remember the good bits! For me..last year was a bit of a rollercoaster! One minute it was fantastic and I was on top of the world, the next I was in the gutter..not quite knowing what was going on and why nobody would speak to me or tell me whats going on. But hey! It's over! and let me tell you, 2011 is going to be a good year! Even better then 2010 and MUCH better then 2009..(which was a pretty damn shitty year let me tell you!!) I think 2011 is going to be the year where people find out what sort of person they are. and who they enjoy spending time with. I hope that 2011 is going to be a good year for me,personally. By this time next year I will be 14!! (at last!) but thats also a bit scary! I'm starting my gcse's! and it's worrying but I am ready! I am prepared and you know, I just want to start now!! school just feels so pointless at the moment, once we start gcse's it will feel like I am working up to something! But anyway, also by the end of next..sorry correction. THIS year I would like (and this is going to sound soo stupid and your going to go SHUTTHEHELLUP!!) to have a boyfriend!! but not a prat. Like, a reeally nice one. who like me for who I am!..Difficult though. I DON'T KNOW ANY BOYS!! grr...the only 'boys' I know..are not boys! they're men!! so basicly I am stuffed! haha! Perhaps I just need to get out more? I only go to band or go out with friends cycling and jogging and things..Perhaps I watch too many films. And I just let my immagination run wild sometimes. But you have to admit, it would be lovely if by the end of this year (if your single) to have someone to love and cuddle you!?..I have to get out more.. :)

Okay, so do you have any new year resolutions?? I had LOADS a few weeks back! but now I can't remember!! Maybe it should be that I should finish and at least TRY to publish a book? Maybe I should cut down on chocolate (bit boring but, hey!) or..see I can't remember any more!!! Meh..ah well!!

So, I hope you had a FANTAAASTIC christmas! I hope you got everything you wanted and more! :) I have to say, it has been a damn good christmas! I finally got a sewing machine!!! :D yay! now I can make dresses, skirts etc! I can't wait! I also got a cd (my chemical romance-danger days) and 2 dvd's! (sweeney Todd 2disk edition!! and also dcuk finals dvd!!) I got some bags and a very pretty necklace from my unlce! It's made of real crystals and is in the shape of an apple! I love it, it's actualy...*ahem* beautiful :) and I also got a very nice looking sewing box, to keep my sewing bits in! (very handy)! I also got a veery nice hat and pair of gloves! and other bits and bobs! Well anyway, I best be off now! but before I go, let me just say that I am working on another book! It is a 'tragic romance'.  quite sad!...(well, I hope I am able to make it feel sad!)
so anyway, off I go now! See you next time ! BYE!
-Georgia xxxx

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